RGA Standard

Refinery gas refers to the lightest hydro carbon stream produced from refinery process units. It is typically made of methane and ethane, cut can also have some propane, butane, and hydrogen in it. Refinery gas is typically consumed in the refinery as fuel. Rarely would are finery sell refinery gas as a finished product.

Few examples of Natural Gas Standard are given below

CH4 100-1000ppm + C2H6 100-1000ppm + C2H4 100-1000ppm + C2H2 5000ppm + CO 5000ppm + CO2 50-5000ppm+ N2 4000-20% + Argon Balance CGM08360410

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MSDS furnished on request
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Email: alroysge@gmail.com
Contact No: 080 3751 5099

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